Friday, May 2, 2008

My new love affair... with this man, Sondre Lerche. My newest favorite movie, Dan in Real Life (which makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it), was scored by this unassuming artist from Norway. His music makes me happy. I hope it will make you happy prepared to be surprised. Also, he is cute.


Hey, It's Ansley said...

I love that movie and I love the music. Had to get the soundtrack shortly after seeing it. And he is cute!

Here's a secret, Dan in Real Life was the first (and only) movie I ever snuck into. We saw another movie and didn't love it so we saw this one too.

Diana said...

Hite. I also enjoyed the movie Dan In Real Life, but I really am concerned that you think Sondre Lerche is cute. He looks like an anorexic who lost his comb.

Ryan Zirker