I am the oldest of the Fat Hite children and I am fat. I am not the fattest I have ever been, nor am I the thinnest. I have been yo-yo-ing on the fat Hite scale for a number of years, perhaps all my life. However, I am determined to be less fat. I will be eating fewer calories and gyming twice a day. My goal is to bring my BMI into the healthy range. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, my healthy weight range is 122-164. Since they record weight in pounds and not kilograms, I'm in trouble. It will be a long row to hoe, but worth it.
You can read all about the Fat Hites at http://fathite.blogspot.com
holy smokes! it's my long lost friend! HI!! so happy to see you!
You need to post more.
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