Monday, November 24, 2008

A New Car!!

There were a lot of decisions made, but the final one was the purchase of a 2008 Toyota Avalon...silver with grey leather interior.
There was a bad loan, an old Ford, and extra cash. The decision was made with fiscal responcibility in mind. How can that be? I know spending 26 grand doesn't seem like a responcible thing to do, but I assure you, it was. I bought this lush new car with 11K miles and 8K dollars off the new price. I will surely miss the Escape, but I don't even realize that I do when I get into my fully-loaded Avalon...with reclining rear seats. I am looking forward to driving this vehicle for the next decade at least.


Hey, It's Ansley said...

So jealous! I have been craving a new car lately.

Betsy Hite Reddoch said...

Congrats on your newest addition! Now for a clever name... sorry "Ho Cart" is taken :)

Kahilau said...

Holy Moly!! No kidding I was ust thinking about you the other day wondering how I would ever be able to find you. How did you find me? It is so great to hear from you. I love you blog, your holloween costume, and your new car! So fun. So I see you are a teacher (duh), laugher (totally miss that, and by the way my mom still syas that my laugh is totally different since we were comps), and mom (?), where, who?, I want to see, is it your students? cause I'm going to be so bummed and a little ticked if it is... ha ha. Love you girl and look forward to keeping up with you (if that's even possible)!